Well Woman Warrior

Fruitful or Busy?

Hey Sis,

How have you been? What have you been up to?
I’ve been soooooo busy. 
This is almost always our typical response when asked the question ‘how are you?’ Culture has made it seem cool to respond with “I’ve been busy“, “I‘ve had a lot on my plate“, “My calendar has been soo full“. But here’s a question I have for you; In the midst of your busyness, Are you being fruitful?
“Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.” John 15:4
What fruits are you producing in your daily life? Can people see the fruits that you produce and glorify your Father in Heaven?
How do we stay fruitful in an extremely busy world? Simply by abiding in Christ. Abiding means continuing or existing for an indefinite time. To abide in Christ means to let His word fill our hearts, our minds, to allow His Spirit direct our will and guide our daily actions. Sis, this is the only way we can stay fruitful. Do you even know that when we abide in Christ we can ask what we desire and it will be done for us? Well that’s what God’s word says and I can’t wait to tell you more about asking and receiving in our subsequent posts.
Truth be told, in our own strength, we can’t do much. In our own strength, we can find ourselves giving in to the works of the flesh; irritated, throwing tantrums, anxious about the state of the world, being hateful or jealous of other people, being competitive and even comparing our lives to others. This is not the life that God has called us to. How can people glorify God if they don’t see and experience the light and Spirit of God in you? Don’t forget that you are a living epistle that people should read and glorify your heavenly Father.
Sis, God has called you to love, to even love those who hate or persecute you. God has called you to be joyful, to be kind to others, to be full of peace, to be patient, to endure, and to even stay faithful to the assignment He has called you to even when you don’t feel like it. In our world today, we need a lot of people with self control and gentleness.
Let us make a commitment to ourselves to stay fruitful daily. No matter how busy we get, let us use every moment of our lives to show the fruits that men will see and stand in awe and wonder of our God. Girl! this walk of faith needs us to be so fruitful at ALL times.
You Have My Love
Written By Chinonso Clark

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